
Journey of Khan

Journey of Khan


This work is about navigation. It uses the features from 53 ports as themes to create a unique ambience. It offers travelers an armchair adventure through books and images.


"Khan" means "stations along the Silk Road". It is a very important path for cultural transmission in ancient times. It is where the East meets the West. The road extends from land to the Maritime Silk Road. For Taiwan, river transport, bays and ports are the earliest stations, and each tells a different story.

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This work features 32 Taiwanese ports, 7 cities along the Maritime Silk Road and 14 sea legends, with each room boasting different books. In the public areas, different yearly displays describe harbors and sceneries. The reading and accommodation experience offers a different meaning of traveling. It provides travelers with a cozy roost where their dream of exploring the world can slowly ripen in the warm southern city.

This design has 53 exquisite guestrooms and 5 types of rooms. The motifs in 32 of the rooms are fishing ports in Taiwan, Penghu, Kinmen and Matsu. 7 of the rooms have Maritime Silk Road motifs and 14 have famous ports around the world. Each location has different historical positioning and development, and with the theme of Reading Port Cities as core, we connect words and images to offer travelers an armchair adventure.



2017 倫敦設計大獎 - 銀獎